Contribute to the Competition

We give our deepest thanks to all of those who have contributed to help reward students for their hard work.

This is the second year of hosting a design competition for EMA senior design, and although this is a relatively new competition, it is hoped that it will be memorable and encouraging for the students involved.

If you, or your company have not yet contributed, and feel that you would like to take part in rewarding students for their hard work and innovation, please help by giving them the boost that they need to bring their fresh ideas to market.

Please make your tax deductible contribution payable to the "University of Wisconsin Foundation" and state that the contribution is in support of the EMA Senior Design Competition. Mail the contribution to:

Professor James P. Blanchard, EP Chair
Engineering Mechanics Program Fund
EMA Senior Design Competition
153 Engineering Research Building 1500 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706-1609

University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Engineering Physics
Madison, Wisconsin
Revised: 10/10/2011